Monday, July 22, 2013

The beginning

 “And, when you can't go back, you have to worry only about the best way of moving forward.” 
― Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

It's amazing how fast your life can turn around! How quickly some one can feel not being with you is far more appealing than being with you! I do get it though, being single means no judgements, being free, being able to breath, not having to worry about being there for someone else. And I can't blame him. I get it.

For the past four years, I've been incredibly in love with a man I truly thought I would marry some day. I've always seen him as a fantastic person, incredibly smart, someone who really loves his family (whom are equally as fantastic), and someone whose very passionate about his hobbies. I'll miss him of course but maybe when I look back on it I'll have some great epiphany of how the relationship really was and I can accept what it is now. I'll have a better understanding of why this is a blessing. A great friend suggested I was more in love with the idea of being married to him and building a future more than I was with him, maybe that's true too. Mostly I look forward to looking back one day and laughing at the good times, forgetting the bad, and coming away with more knowledge about myself then I had when I started.

After six years of being out west I'm going to so drastically change my life and fill my head with so many new experiences that I'm able to let go of all the sadness and negativity I've accumulated. You may call it geographically running, I call it brilliant. I'm heading to lovely North Carolina, the land of the pines. Where the sawgrass sways. Where the sweet southern breezes sweep over your soul and the fog lies heavy in the mountains, rich with life and spirit. I've had Carolina on my mind for a long time now and I can't wait to get back.

And so, to start the beginning of a new and grand chapter, I'm taking a 4,000 mile, 31 day journey through cities I've never been through, places teeming with life and culture, and even towns with old friends as I make my way east. It's just me, my little dog, and all the opportunities I feel like taking. Makes me sort of nauseous.

I've got a long, long bucket list and all the freedom in the world to start checking it off.

While the journey begins with a broken heart and heavy mind, I look forward to developing a better self, full of happiness, love, and peace.

Since this is a blog I'll of course be documenting my journey and my experiences the whole way. The good, bad, scary, hilarious, and life changing. If you have any experiences in the cities I'm visiting that you'd recommend, or you are there yourself, let me know!

In four short days I'll be driving up and over to Colorado to split up all our stuff, take my name off the lease and give back my key, pack away my possessions and send them on their way ahead of me and the most difficult thing of all, saying goodbye to my past, and him, and taking a crucial step forward into my future.

à plus tard!

Check out my trip below!